Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Briar Patch Fable

The Briar Patch Fable Review


Three musical fantasies... with narration, dialogue, songs and sounds... all with earth-embracing environmental themes... to delight children and the adults in their midst. Rufus and Nellie Rabbit are the animal 'stars,' venturing out of their Briar Patch home to help save habitats and communicate with humans who speak 'wildness.' Over five hours of storytelling on 5 CDs.

"Through musical fantasy we express the reality of life's 'oneness'... revealing that the basic needs of both humans and other creatures on this planet are the same... air, water, food, shelter, privacy and the ritual of song and dance. Our inter-dependency is clear. As one species is threatened, so are we all."

The hometown of rabbits, frogs, woodchucks, skunks and Wiley Fox is threatened by 'bullydozers.' Two children, with Rufus and Nellie Rabbit, rally the animals to stage a startling demonstration, declaring their rights to the human citizens. A suspenseful town meeting decides the fate of the Briar Patch. (Based on real happenings in Sandwich, Massachusetts.)

"We first wrote and produced THE BRIAR PATCH FABLE as a musical play in 1974 to celebrate the purchase by the Town of Sandwich, Massachusetts of 52 acres of catbriars for conservation... The REAL BRIAR PATCH. The story is even more relevant today."

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