Saturday, September 3, 2011

Gina D's Kids Club DVD "Join the Fun" (Vols. 1,2,3)

Gina D's Kids Club DVD "Join the Fun" (Vols. 1,2,3) Review

GINA DÂ’S KIDS CLUB letÂ’s preschool children Â"join in on the funÂ" in this full 90 minute three episode DVD. The content in Â"SMILE-A-BILITY!,Â" Â"Good News,Â" and Â"Join the ClubÂ" was designed to reinforce development of a positive self-image, individual talents, and good manners. Children are entertained in a positive way with GINA D providing encouragement through her clubhouse character-based action, animal puppets characters, animated segments, and unique songs. This DVD includes a special, award-winning, Â"Mr. Bicycle ManÂ" safety segment. The show is designed to meet the entertainment and developing educational needs of preschool age (2-6 years) children. Each family-friendly show is hosted by Gina D®, a positive female role model for young children. The major premise of the show is to establish and reinforce positive values and behaviors, through original songs and character performances, that viewing children will choose to adopt and imitate. The show is designed for today's children, incorporating 3D, CGI animation, live characters, puppets and children. Each show ends with Gina D® writing a letter to her grandmother to review the educational highlights of the dayÂ’s events.

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